Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Show & Tell Time!

Today I'm going to show you some fabulous things that I didn't make. Woot!

First up - take a look at these terrific finger puppets made by Karen15 and her daughter.
I love that they added arms and hands to the pirates and ninjas - and added knots to the ninjas sashes. And look at the puppets they designed with the blanks! My daughter now has plans to make a cat like theirs - and I love that weiner dog. But wait - there's more. They also designed a bag to hold the puppets. Look!
Terrific work! Thanks so much for sharing!

Now take a look at this cute Little Chick with Big Feet made by quiltmamajb.

Love that polkadot fabric! She also made these groovy Blockheads.
That looooong rainbow rickrack hair is fantastic! Jean also makes some really beautiful quilts - go to her photostream to take a look. You'll be glad you did.

If anyone else wants to share their work (please do!) you can find the embroidery group here and the sewing group here. And I want to send out a big thank you to everyone who commented on my daughter's Flickr page after she shared her work here. She was thrilled beyond words.

You all are fabulous!



  1. Wendi - thanks so much for posting these pictures - I pulled up your blog for my daily read - and thought, 'Wow - these look familiar'! I also love the finger puppets and bag - terrific. Thanks again for all the inspiration. Piece...quiltmamajb

  2. Karen5:08 PM

    So exciting to log on today and see our puppets! Thank you!
