Thursday, April 07, 2011

Embroidery - How to Long and Short Stitch

Hello all! It's time for another fill stitch! This one is related to satin stitch - so it will look familiar. You can use it to fill in large areas where satin stitch wouldn't work. You can use it to make the coat on furry critters like bunnies and dogs. But one of the best things about it is that you can use it to shade from one color to another. In the video I show shading from dark to light, but you could also go from one color to another - or even fill with a whole rainbow of shading. This is one to have fun with!

Happy stitching!



  1. Thanks for doing all the "embroidery school" videos. I've been watching them all while practicing on a sampler. It's so much easier to learn by watching you than looking at drawings. Wanted to tell you how hopeful you've been. :)

    1. Thanks! I'm glad they've been helpful. :-)
