Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Video - How To Use Snaps

Back when I first started sewing, I did everything possible to avoid buttons. Or zippers. One of the notions I turned to was snaps. My first experience was bad - I tried using those sew-on snaps, thinking they'd be the easiest option. My life changed when I discovered regular snaps. A neat professional finish with just a hammer? I had NO IDEA you could do this from home! Why was nobody shouting this from the rooftops? Snaps are really easy to use and look terrific. Give them a try!

Happy sewing!



  1. Thanks for posting this! I've not ventured into snaps as of yet, but I will have to try them out now. By the way … my 5-year-old was so proud of you when you finished ;)

  2. Awww. . .Heather! Tell your son I said thanks! (I was pretty proud of myself too when I did it the first time. That is, when I was done smacking myself in the forehead for not knowing something really simple that it seemed like every other sewist out there knew already. There were a lot of those moments when I was just starting out.)

  3. Annette sent me a private note about plastic snaps and pliers - along with a link to them. I've never used these before, but I thought some of you might be interested in the pretty, pretty colors.

    I've had my eye on these fancy pearl snaps for a while now - but they DO require a special (and expensive) tool to attach them so I haven't gone there yet. Oh - but I'd love to try them. Aren't they pretty? Such pretty colors.

    By the way - the tool you use to attach them is what I imagined ALL snaps required, back before I knew about the hammer type. So I wasn't crazy after all!

  4. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I never knew these were so easy!
