Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Firefly Tree Embroidery Pattern

I started working on this pattern last month and stalled out when I ran out of embroidery thread. I wrote about the story behind the image here.

My daughter is very happy to have the finished piece hanging in her room now. Boy - the glow in the dark thread from Sublime Stitching really glows! It's great!

The pattern is in the shop now!

Here's what you get:
  • Regular pattern for tracing
  • Reversed pattern for iron-on transfer
  • Complete color and stitch guide
Materials you'll need:
  • Fabric to be embroidered
  • Your favorite tools for transferring the pattern
  • Embroidery needle, thread, and hoop
  • Glow in the dark thread (optional)
Skills you'll need: (links take you to video tutorials)
Time you'll need:
  • a few evenings

Of course, you can stitch it up without the glow in the dark thread too. You can replace all the fly stitches with more lazy daisy stitches and just make a regular tree. It would be lovely to stitch up a series of four in different colors for every season - and you'd sure be a master of the lazy daisy by the time you were done!

Click here to get the pattern.

Happy stitching!



  1. Lovely stitchery and I love the story you added to the picture on flickr!
