Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Work in Progress 8-10: The Boy Doll

More work on the boy doll.

He looks weird now, I know. But he'll look better tomorrow when he's all stuffed. Right now the arms and legs are sewn and stuffed - but the body isn't. That makes them look way skinny compared to the rest of him. But once the body is sewn (taking up the seam allowance) and stuffed (rounding the body up) all the parts will (hopefully) fall back into proportion.

See you tomorrow!



  1. Anonymous7:42 PM

    I think he looks wonderful! Can't wait to see him finished. :) Yay!

  2. I agree, it looks great! I cant wait to see him finished also and be able to make one for my son!! :) Thanks Wendi!

  3. The ears are great!

  4. Thanks everyone! I stuffed him last night so now I just need to sew up the opening and take a new photo. You'll get to meet him later today. :-)
