Friday, September 23, 2011

Wilhelmina the Witch Embroidery Pattern PDF

Meet Wilhelmina. She's soooooooo elegant, with her pointy hat, her spiderweb collar, and her flawless green skin. Wouldn't you like to stitch your own? You can find the pattern here.

What you get:
  • regular pattern for tracing (image is 6 1/2" x 8")
  • reversed pattern for iron-on transfer
  • complete color and stitch guide
Materials you'll need:
  • fabric to stitch on
  • favorite pattern transfer tools
  • embroidery needle, thread, and hoop
Skills you'll need: (links to video tutorials)
Time you'll need:
  • 2-3 evenings

Happy stitching!



  1. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Hi Wendi, I have been watching your you-tube tatorials on embrodery stitches, Loved them I am trying to learn and you explained very well, Thanks, in serching your blog, I see you are from Penland nc, I am from Shelby NC I have never heard of your town i will look it up. Just wanted to say Hi to another NC person....Donna Russ e-mail

  2. I know where Shelby is! I turn off at the Shelby/Marion exit when I'm coming from the east coast. Penland is about an hour up into the mountains. Do check it out! I work part time at Penland School of Crafts and it's a really amazing place.
