Friday, October 07, 2011

Finished Flower Pendants

So - I've spent the past few days prepping for a new video. One I'm really excited about. I recorded it today and the shooting went really well. I couldn't wait to edit it and get it posted for you tomorrow. The problem came when I tried to capture the video to my computer. My new computer - the one that replaced the computer that crashed a couple of weeks ago. And that's when I realized that my shiny new computer doesn't have a firewire port. No way to get the video from my recorder to my computer. Aaaargh!

I'm making the drive into town tomorrow and I'm going to talk to the folks at Best Buy and/or Radio Shack to see what my options are. I don't see any slots on my computer to add a firewire port so I have no idea what I'll be able to do. Sigh.

On the plus side - I finished up the flower pendants. And I'm really happy with how they turned out! I still need to write up and lay out the pattern - but it'll be coming soon. And I'll be wrapping up the last of the Halloween sewing this weekend. Lots of googly eyes on my sewing table right now. :-)

Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. Ooooh pretttttyyyy!

  2. Glad you like them! I finished stitching up the ladies last night, but I still need to photograph them.
