Thursday, November 10, 2011

New in the Shop - Embroidery Thread Bundles!

Do these colors look familiar? They should! They're my go-to colors - the ones I pick over and over again for most of my embroidery patterns. And now I have them in my shop in hand-selected bundles for you.

I started with the mediums. If you only buy one bundle - this is the one I suggest. It's a collection of my very favorite shades of every color of the rainbow. The perfect bright pink. My favorite green. Just-right yellow. You get the idea. These are the colors I use for most of my stitching.
Sometimes you need to have a couple of different shades of a single color. That's why I also have a bundle of lights. . .
. . . and a bundle of darks.
These are my favorite shades to go with the mediums. So - for example - this is where you'll find a light green and a dark green that look good alongside my favorite green. No clashing!

And, of course, you'll need some neutrals.
This has black and white (naturally) but it also has my very-favorite-I-use-it-in-almost-every-pattern-super-dark brown. And a terrific gray. And a couple of other rich browns.

Color is tricky for a lot of people. And choosing colors from the dizzying array of choices under misleading flourescent lights in a big box craft or sewing store is tricky for everyone. I eliminate the trickiness and offer hand-selected, perfectly coordinated thread bundles in bright, clear colors. If you like my work, then these are the colors for you. :-)
Oh - and I almost forgot! Buy The Big Bundle (all four bundles) and you get everything you need to stitch just about any of my patterns (or anyone else's patterns, for that matter) - at a discounted price! All the thread bundles are in the Supplies section of my shop. Go get some!

Happy stitching!



  1. I should say only that its awesome! The blog is informational and always produce amazing things.Thanks for sharing.
