Wednesday, April 03, 2013

How to Turn a Quilt Block into a PIllow

monster pillow
Hug me.
So. Let's say you really like the Scary Squares monster quilt pattern, but you've never made a quilt before and your kind of freaked out about making the whole thing.

Start with one block. You can make one single block, right? Of course you can! And you can turn it into a fun pillow. Here's how.

Make a quilt block.

Any block from any pattern.

Step 1 - make the block
Hey! Are you trying to frame me?
You could always enlarge the pattern so it fits on the pillow form you want to cover - but I think it's more fun to add some framing, so I made the block exactly as the pattern specified. It's a 10 1/2 inch square.

Add frames

My pillow form is 18" square. That means I need the pillow front to be 18 1/2" square. (The extra 1/2" gives me 1/4" seam allowance on all sides.)

My block is 10 1/2" square. That means it will finish at 10" square when I take up the seam allowances. So I need to add 4 inches on each side of the block.

I could add 4" frames all the way around, but I want a narrow frame inside a slightly wider frame. So I'm going to add a 1" frame all the way around, and then a 3" frame all the way around that. That will add up to the 4" frame all around.

Step 2 - add side strips
Start with the sides.
Cut strips 1 1/2" wide. (Remember - if you want a 1" frame you need to cut your strips 1 1/2" so seam allowance is included.) Sew a strip to each side of your block. Press them flat.

Step 3 - finish the inner frame
Add strips to the top and bottom.
Sew strips to the top and bottom. Press them flat.

The inner frame is done.

Step 4 - repeat for the outer frame
Repeat for the outer frame
Do the same thing for the outer frame, but use 3 1/2" strips for a 3" frame.

Make the pillow back

I like using zippers on my pillow covers so I can take them off for washing. You can add the zipper to the side seam where the front is sewn to the back, but I think that sometimes distorts the look of the pillow. I prefer to add it to the middle of the pillow back.

Make the pillow back.
You don't have to use two different fabrics. I just ran out of the green jellybeans. :-)
Sew two pieces of fabric together to make an 18 1/2" square. The seam doesn't have to go exactly in the middle. Just middle-ish. Use at least 1/2" seam allowance so you have enough fabric to reach under the zipper when you stitch it in place.

Insert a zipper into the seam using this tutorial.

Unzip the zipper at least part way. Don't forget to do this or you'll be very sad!  Sew the pillow front to the pillow back, right sides together, using 1/4" seam allowance.

Turn it right side out through the zipper opening. Slip your pillow form into the cover. Zip it up and toss it onto a chair.


finished monster pillow
I knew you could do it!
Happy sewing!


1 comment:

  1. i really like your information thank's for your share i this post ^____^
