Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Show & Tell Time!

Kidsinthestudio finished two bunnies for two of her kids - look how cute they turned out! She blogged about it (and showed more photos) here. I especially love the checkered inner ear of the bunny on the left!

My daughter wanted to show off her bunny too. She made this in one of my classes last summer. She was seven and she's still really proud of it. She chose some leftover scraps from an apron she had made. Too wild a print to really see the face, but that's ok with her. She says,"I can see the face just fine when I'm holding him and that's what counts." So true. :-)

There are still a few spaces available in the Shiny Happy Bunny School. It's free - and you still have time to make a bunny for Easter!

I'm also showing off some of my daughter's embroidery. She made the Little Chick with Big Feet (she renamed hers Candy Chick) and then wanted to make a little set to hang in her room, so we enlarged the other chicks from the Chickens embroidery pattern and she colored them all with different patterns. My favorite is the Double Rainbow chick.

Anyone else want to share? Join us here or blog about it and leave a link in the comments. We'd love to see!


  1. Oh my gosh....too cute. Your daughter did a tremendous job! I want to go home right now and make my bunny! Happy Easter! Piece....

  2. So cute. I joined, however, have not been able to make any yet. We all came down with something here and I ended up with Bronchitis. I'm so anxious to get better. I can't wait to show off my finished project.

  3. I have awarded you the Versatile Blogger Award. Check it out here:

  4. Jean - I saw your finished bunny over on Flickr. He turned out super cute!

    L.A.C.E. - Hope you're feeling better. I can't wait to see your bunny! And thanks for the award. :-)
