Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Free Pattern: Dimples Pincushion


This is my favorite pincushion style. The button dimples on the top and bottom make it sit nice and flat. The two colors for the top and bottom are fun. And the rickrack around the seam? Rickrack always makes me smile. :-) Here's the flip side of the same pincushion.

I'm still loving the Ed Emberley Happy Drawing collection from Cloud 9 Fabrics - it's making my sewing room an even happier place. And you know I'm all about the happy. :-) This uses the frogs on one side, and the green scribbles on the other.

So download the free pattern and make yourself a pincushion - or three. I use three pincushions all the time - one on my cutting table, one by my sewing machine, and one on my ironing board. The cutting table (where I pin things together) pins tend to all end up in the sewing machine pincushion (where I unpin as I sew). When that happens I just move the full pincushion over to the cutting table and the empty one to my sewing machine and start the whole migration over again.

You could even make yourself a pincushion to match your sewing machine cover. Fancy!

Happy sewing!



  1. This is sew nice! I am sew into pincushions right now and I don'e even sew!

    What do u think about using a metal pot scrubber as the stuffing? The way it has a dimple in the middle just made it jump to mind when I saw ur design! I just think that the metal mesh will help keep ur pins sharp. What do u think?

    I have made some pincushions using the scrubbies and cookie cutters. Please take a look at my tutorial and let me know what u think!

    1. You could use a potscrubber, but modern pins don't really need anything to keep them sharp or rust free. I use wool roving when I have it (the lanolin makes the pins seem to slip right into fabric) or regular old polyester fiberfill when I don't.
