Thursday, January 27, 2011

My No-Longer-Top-Secret Technique for Embroidering Eyes

I have a particular way I make eyes when I draw, and when I translated those drawings into embroideries I had a hard time choosing a stitch that gave me just the effect I wanted.  A French knot was too round. A simple straight stitch was, well, too straight. And too flat.  I tried a lot of different stitches, and combinations of stitches until I finally hit on something that was just right. And now I'm going to share that technique with you! I use this for all of my doll and softie faces, as well as any other faces I stitch. Tomorrow I've got a pattern full of faces - colorful monster faces. Lots of opportunities to practice stitching eyes!

Happy stitching!

View video here.


  1. Anonymous8:34 AM

    That is so very clever! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks! I am just renewing my love of embroidery after many years (my Nana taught me when I was little) and am happy to discover new ways of doing things.

  3. Robin Girshner10:07 PM

    i have a tinker bell crocheted doll i made and i need to know how to makes eyes so it looks right. if you can help that wood be wonderful. thank you robin.

    1. Robin - I'm just now starting to crochet dolls (I made my first amigurumi a few weeks ago) so I don't have much experience with this. For mine I just stitched a single straight stitch, over and over again until it was thick enough to really show up.

      Good luck!

  4. Anna Maria Quagliero1:06 PM

    Thank you for the video of eyes embroidery !! :)
