Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Embroidery Tools

I never did a post about basic embroidery tools but I've had several people ask me questions in comments and in emails - and so now I'm fixing that.

You don't need much to start embroidering. Not much at all. Needles, thread, and a hoop and you're good to go. Here's a bit more info on each tool.

Sewing needles are called sharps. Quilting needles are called betweens. Tricky, no? But embroidery needles are easy. They're just called embroidery needles and you can find them in any fabric or craft store. They're sharp and they have a slightly larger eye than a sewing needle - to hold the thicker thread you use for embroidery. Start off with a pack of assorted sizes and use the smallest needle you can easily thread. You'll probably find that you gravitate toward mostly stitching with a certain number of strands and so always use the same size needle. That's the size you'll end up buying more of later on.

I mostly use your basic 6-strand embroidery thread. There are a few different brands, but they all reference the DMC color numbers and DMC is the brand I usually buy. It's easy to split strands off to make the thread just the right thickness for the effect you want. All of my patterns include a complete color and stitch guide - where I also tell you how many strands I used. If you're doing your own designs just do a little experimenting. I'll often stitch an inch or so of a design and then decide that my thread is a touch too thick or too thin. Don't be afraid to pick out your stitches and start over if you need to. I do it all the time.

For most fabrics you'll want to use a hoop to hold it stretched tight while you stitch. I have several hoops in all different sizes - some are plastic and some are wood - all are fine. Some people use square "hoops" made of PVC pipe but I find that they don't hold the fabric as tight as I like.

If the fabric is heavyweight and fairly stiff - like denim or thickish felt - you can probably stitch it without a hoop.

That's it! You can set yourself up with plenty of embroidery supplies for less than ten bucks.

I go over a few specialized tools for transferring patterns and stitching on stretchy fabric in the linked blog posts - but all you really need is what's listed above.

Any other burning questions? Put them in the comments or email me directly and I'll do my best to answer them!


  1. First off, I love your website. But my question is, are there certain types of fabrics you would or wouldn't want to use? I have a few projects in mind, but I'm not sure what fabric to get. I just know that the rolls they sell at the craft store are NOT what I want to use... They just look a little too matronly.

  2. Megan - the short answer is that you can pretty much stitch on anything you can get into a hoop. The long answer is at :-)

    I think the rolls you're talking about must be aida. That stuff is designed especially for counted cross stitch. The regular grid keeps your stitches neat and lined up - but it tends to interfere with regular embroidery.

  3. Hi Wendy,
    I have a terrible time threading my needles. I have tried several things: purchased a threader with three different tools, the fold & pinch and the pinch & saw and lastly licking the floss! The larger the eye, the larger the hole in the fabric so I have chosen to use smaller needles. It takes me FOREVER to thread it. I'm so frustrated. Any suggestions? Thank you!

    1. Have you tried using embroidery needles? They have a larger eye, but don't leave a large hole in the fabric. I find that a size 5 embroidery needle is pretty easy to thread with 4 strands of thread. I can get 6 strands through - but it's hard and it would really be better to move up to a slightly bigger size for it.

      I do lick the end of the thread, then I squeeze it flat and turn it sideways so the flattened end slides right through the flat eye of the needle. I haven't had any problems with the eye leaving visible holes in my fabric - the four strands fill the hole nicely.

      Good luck!

    2. Hi Wendi! Yes I am using embroidery needles. I will try size 5 and see how I do. I also never know how many strands to use. Do you have a certain way of doing things? Ex: back stitch=4 strands

      I sure appreciate you always replying to our questions. I'm learning a lot and you are a great teacher. THanks

    3. Hi Kristine! The number of strands doesn't really have anything to do with the stitch I'm using - it's all about how thick I want the line to be. I talk a little bit about how I decide how many strands to use in this post.

      Hope it's helpful! :-)

    4. I recently read that if you actually lick the eye end of the NEEDLE, the capillary action will make it easier to thread a needle. It works! I do sometimes like the thread(s) as well, and thread like you said... pinching the thread and putting the needle ONTO the thread.

      I love this post! My sweet mother taught me to embroider when I was about 7 years old, and I've always loved it. Oh, my... how she would have enjoyed the internet!

  4. Hi Wendy,
    I have been purchasing several J & P Coats embroidery floss. I cannot for the life of me figure out the conversion floss numbers. My J & P Coats floss numbers are not on the conversion charts for DMC. I'm trying to organize my floss and I can't figure this out. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you so much!

    1. Try this site. There may not be a direct conversion for every color, but this should help.

  5. Hi Wendi!
    I'm stumped. I'm working on a cardinal on a pine tree branch and I can't seem to get the right stitch for the pine needles. Do you have a stitch that you use? Thanks so much!

    1. It kind of depends on the size of the piece, but my first thought would be long straight stitches. If the needles are too long for that, I'd probably just backstitch them.

    2. Okay, great. Thanks always for your help. Happy Holidays!
