Thursday, September 15, 2011

You Be the Judge - Please Help Me Decide

So. I was in the middle of writing a blog post about how I really should have learned my lesson by now about testing new patterns (even pattern adaptations) before sewing the whole dang thing.
This is one of the Halloween dolls I've been working on. I call him Vlad. It's basically the Karl doll pattern with a different hairline and some fangs. The hairline is my issue. I had envisioned it much lower - and it looked lower when it was flat. But, as I've mentioned before, things change when you add stuffing.

I was writing all that up, and bemoaning the fact that I'd spend a good chunk of my armchair crafting time tonight with a seam ripper in hand, when my husband walked by and commented on how much he liked the new dolls. Dolls plural. He liked the one I like (you'll see him tomorrow) and also the one I have issues with. Here's how the conversation went. . .

Alan: Hey, I like the Halloween guys! They look great!
Me: Really? Both of them?
Alan: Yeah. Why not? Is something wrong with one of them?
Me: Well - I started calling the vampire Sad Vlad halfway through stuffing him. I don't like the hairline.
Alan: Really? What's wrong with it?
Me: I feel like it should be a lot lower. Closer to his eyes and about halfway down to his ears.
Alan: No! He's got a great Munster look going on. I think you should leave him.
Me: Yeah. I like the Munster thing. I only realized about half an hour ago that Grandpa Munster wore a red vest with white collar and sleeves showing. But I still think the hair should be lower. I should have tested it in felt first - pinned it to one of the Karl dolls I already have made up. Stupid.

So I cut out some new hair and pinned it in place and asked him what he thought.
He still liked the high receding hair better, but acknowledged that the lower hairline wasn't bad. And I have lost all perspective. I liked the lower hair when I first pinned it on - but now I'm afraid it looks a little Elvis. So I'm putting it to you. What do you think? Very receding hairline or no?

Tune in tomorrow for the reveal of the doll we BOTH like. And a free PDF to help you convert your Karl pattern for Halloween!

PS - There's been a bit of feedback over on the Shiny Happy Facebook page, including the idea of adding sideburns instead of just lowering the hairline. I thought that might work so I just cut out a test piece - and I think I like it! So I'm updating this post to share the added pic with you all too. What do you think?



  1. I like the first one better. Too Much hair on the second one. A lower widow's peak would be okay, I think, but not with so much more hair, too (if that makes sense)--sort of a more pronounced dip without adding that (yes, Elvisy) effect.

    Of course, without seeing them right next to each other like that, I'd probably like them both equally well!

  2. Thanks Amy! I just posted a new pic with the higher hairline but added sideburns, based on a suggestion on Facebook - and I think I really like it.

  3. You know what's funny--he actually looks like two dolls--so when your husband said he liked both dolls, I thought that's what he meant! The way the widow's peak turns into the nose line looks like the line between two faces. Especially with the higher hairline. :) Pretty innovative!

  4. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Oh I really like the second one with the lower hairline! To me he looks "more Halloween" - the first one (higher hairline) is cute, but to me looks like "Karl in a halloween costume" doll!

  5. I like the 3rd one with the addition of the sideburns. The 1st one the hairline seems too high, but with the sideburns I think everything is more evened out.

  6. I really do like the third one with the side burns the best - I think the hairline could be slightly lower but I wouldn't change it too much.

    Such a cute idea!

  7. Definitely sideburns. The lower hairline is more scary-not a plus for me. I like higher hairline with sideburns. Looks a little bald without the sideburns!


  8. Thanks everyone! All your comments have been really helpful. We got a load of firewood delivered today and I repaired him in front of the first crackling fire of the season. A delightful evening! I'm really happy with how he looks now. I'll take photos tomorrow and show him to you then - along with his best buddy.

  9. I loved the first one more until I got to the third one. I couldn't figure out what was different but I thought he looked better (observation score - zero).
    Love the sideburns and the high hair - do not make it longer, it doesn't look spooky enough.
    Love the dolls though - will you have a giveaway after halloween - if you still don't like high hair Vlad. I would gladly give him a home. :)

  10. I like the sideburns version.
