Friday, April 15, 2011

Shiny Happy Bunny School is Open for Enrollment!

Shiny Happy Bunny Class
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As promised - the first Shiny Happy Class is ready to go - just in time for you all to make bunnies for Easter. Here's the deal.

You'll get access to seven videos that take you through every step of making a Shiny Happy Bunny, from cutting out the fabric to handsewing the stuffing opening.

You'll get round the clock access to the class. Watch the lessons at your own pace, in your own time - in your pajamas if you want.

You can ask questions in the comments section of any lesson, or send me a direct email. I'll answer them as soon as I can.

There's a special show & tell gallery set up at Flickr - just for bunnies.

And - it's absolutely FREE. But enrollment is limited to 100 - so don't take too long to decide.
Shiny Happy Bunny Class
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As with everything in my shop, even the free stuff goes through the same checkout process. This time you won't get instant results though. After your "purchase" I'll need to enroll you in the class. The classroom is a private Blogger blog, so you'll receive an email inviting you to the blog. The email will request your Google account information - if you have a Google account. If you don't - no worries. You'll be issued an invitation to join the blog as a guest.

That's it. There's still more than a week left until Easter and it only takes a few hours to make a bunny. What are you waiting for?

See you in class!


PS. The class will be live through the 4th of July. You can access it as often as you like in that time.

PPS. Just to be clear - the pattern is sold separately. It's $5.00 and available here. It will download instantly after purchase. You do not have to buy the pattern. You can watch all the videos in the class and use those same skills on any simple softie pattern. But I think you'll get the most out of the class if you sew along with this pattern. Plus - he's really cute!


  1. oh my goodness that is the cutest thing I've ever seen!!!

  2. Thanks! I hope you'll join us in the class. :-)

  3. What a great idea!

    My BillHubby is a videographer so you'd think he'd help me make videos for my blog. Ha!

  4. The hardest thing for me is keeping the work in the middle of the shot. I don't realize how much I move my hands while I work until I try to capture it on video!
