Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Learn How to Make Amigurumi

So far I've shared my 2012 resolutions to draft patterns and make clothes for myself, and tackle my teetering UFO pile(s). I've also decided that this is the year I will learn to crochet amigurumi.

I learned how to crochet as a kid, but I have trouble following patterns because I can never remember the names of the stitches I'm doing. So most of what I do is simple and flat. :-) No more! I'm venturing into 3D shapes with cuties like the mini monsters you see above. Aren't they adorable? There's a free tutorial here that looks great and it's what I'm starting with. I figure I can make a bunch of them to get a feel for different yarns and shapes.

I don't know where I'll go from there, but I'm hoping that by the end of the year I'll have progressed enough that I can tackle the awesomeness that is this Bob Ross. Happy little trees! Happy little clouds! Just thinking about him makes me smile. :-)
You can get the Bob Ross pattern here and lots of other cute ones here. Dwight Shrute! Wonder Woman! Oompa Loompas! My geek head is spinning with the possibilities!

I love the small size of amigurumi - it feels realistic to try to do at least one a month. But I'm also pretty enamored with this book full of patterns for larger crocheted softies.
So cute, no? You can buy the book here. It looks adorable! I'm not starting with these - oh no - but I hope to be there later in the year.

What new skill are you planning to learn this year? If it's sewing clothes for your kids, take a look at this Pattern of the Month series. And if it's learning to applique, check out this workshop starting January 1st and running for 6 months.

2012 is just around the corner!



  1. I've joined STITCHED so I'm planning to learn 22 new skills! :) In six months!

    I've made crocheted softies in the past for my young grandkids. It's tricky, so you're smart starting small.

    Happy New Year!

  2. I can crochet a chain. That's about it. Can't wait to see how you progress!

  3. My new thing to learn and master next year is to go beyond my comfort zone with sewing. I can do all the basic things and get too scared to take on bigger projects but I already have a few lined up and will conquer them! Great post Wendi!

  4. If you do one a month, they can be next year's calendar. Just sayin.

  5. Sequana - See you in STITCHED!

    Becky - My daughter can crochet scarves and things like that, but her favorite thing to so is endless chains. Then she winds them into a ball and gives it to me and I use the chain like fat yarn and stitch up a little scarflette or something.

    Projectrandom13 - Good luck with your more challenging projects! You should share your progress with us on the Monday posts I'll be doing.

    Jenny - I love that idea!

  6. Even if you can crochet this is a great site for a refresher course or just some forgotten information.
    Can't wait to see your creations in the coming year.

  7. Thanks Mhairi! That's a great site!

  8. Oooooo, love the Bob Ross one! One of my goals this year is to learn to knit. :-)

  9. My sister is a great knitter and has taught me a bit - but I'm much more comfortable with crochet. That second stick always feels a little out of place in my hands. :-)
