Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tackle the UFO Pile

Yesterday I shared one of my New Year's resolutions with you - drafting patterns and making clothes for myself. Today I'm sharing resolution #2.

Tackle the UFO Piles in My Sewing Room!

You all know what UFOs are, right? UnFinished Objects. Where do they all come from??!? It started out as a small basket. See it up there? It's got some doll clothes that need repair, a skirt that no longer fits my daughter but that she loves and wants me to remake in her size, an embroidered tea towel that just needs grommets added so I can hang it as a curtain, some vintage trim my daughter asked me to make into a belt, etc. You know the kind of things, right? No single project will take a ton of time, but there they sit. . . accumulating. . . until you have to add a larger basket. . .
. . . and then that's overflowing too and you start accumulating things in a pile on the floor. . .
. . . stacked really tall, of course, because otherwise it would really be three piles and you'd trip over them and be unable to vacuum up all the thread bits that constantly accumulate on the floor of your sewing room.

No more! I know it's not going to happen overnight, but over the course of the next year I want to get my UFO pile back into the nice, manageable small basket you see in the first photo. I promise myself that every week I will make some progress on the UFO pile. No matter how small! I know that small steps taken regularly add up to lots of finished work.

I'll share my progress every week - showing you what I've finished - and you can do the same. Who's with me? Please tell me I'm not the only one here with a mountain of unfinished projects mocking me every time I turn around, making me feel guilty for every new project I start. :-)



  1. Im with ya. Once a week I will finish something in my pile too!!

  2. I spent Christmas Eve Eve and Christmas Eve tackling Mending Pile #1. Happily I made it almost to the bottom too. I had wondered where some of that stuff had gone!

    Shall we pick a day to share and maybe link our blogs? How does Mending Monday sound?

    I also have a few covered bins of UFOs!!! Ack.

  3. I'm going to share my progress on all my resolutions on Mondays. Such a great way to start the week, no? I'd LOVE for you all to join me so we can cheer each other on!

  4. Oh, my poor basket has done the same! Some of it is gifted 'fabric' (clothing or decor items taken apart for fabric) and some mending. Everything needs to find a purpose or home that lives in that basket now. Whew. I would love to hear process on Mondays here, and share, too :-)
