Friday, May 11, 2012

Don't Make Your Sewing Machine Go Naked! (free pattern)


I've always wanted to make a sewing machine cover, but somehow never got around to it. Until now. As soon as I saw the Ed Emberley fabric collection from Cloud 9 I knew I wanted to use it to make a few things for my sewing room. . .
  • a sewing machine cover
  • some new pincushions
  • a needle cushion
  • some new pattern weights
  • curtains
  • a new ironing board cover
  • a new shipping tote (which always hangs in my sewing room waiting to be filled with your lovely orders)
  • a new lap quilt for those chilly mornings
Michelle at Cloud 9 was kind enough to send me some early cuts of the fabric and I've been sewing away with it. (If you're also following along on Facebook you've seen photos of some of the work in progress.)

Now I'm starting to finish layout on some of the patterns - so be prepared for a slew of patterns to help you make stuff for your sewing room. All stitched up in Ed Emberley awesomeness.

First up - a reversible sewing machine cover. Why reversible? Well - I wanted to make it in the giraffes fabric, but I also wanted to show you how you could use the basic pattern and really have fun with the front panel. You can piece it, applique it, embroider it, bedazzle it - play with it any way you like. (My daughter just got a Bedazzler. I have rhinestones on the brain.)

Making it reversible also gives the cover some heft without having to use interfacing. Nice! Plus it allows me to change my mind about which color I want to see. Here's the reverse.

See? A totally different look. :-)

Anyway - most sewing machine cover patterns are essentially boxes, but I show you how to make this slightly fitted. See how the top is a bit narrower than the bottom? It's an easy extra step that makes the whole thing look nicer. Totally worth doing.

Ready to make your own?

Download the free reversible sewing machine cover pattern here.

Buy some Ed Emberley fabric here. It's available in lots of online shops, but Gather Here has the whole collection and they're willing to cut any length you like (including quarter yards, which many online shops won't do) plus she was really nice when I contacted her and I always like to spread the word for really nice people in business.

So what are you waiting for? Go sew! And have a fabulous weekend!



  1. Thanks for sharing the pattern!

    And Lucky You!! Michelle sent you early cuts of her fabric!!?!!!? It's so beautiful but not in my budget. One day...

  2. i tried to download 2 times and two times my computer blocked it coz serious virus has been detected :/

    1. I'm sorry you're having problems with the download. I had a few people check it for me and no other problems reported, so I'm not sure where your virus message is coming from. :-(

  3. I couldn't use the link, but was able to go to the website by doing a google search. Kinda funky but I got there. No viruses! =)

    Very nice little shop. Cool website. I love the tut also! As soon as I'm home!! I have this fabric waiting for me. I'm chomping at the bit to get home and dive in!!!!! lol.

  4. This is absolutely brilliant! I bought two different lots of material to make a sewing machine cover [I won't admit to buying one piece and forgetting that I had something special already put aside ;)] and then I couldn't decide which to I don't have to make any decision- I'll just use both!!!

  5. Eeek!!! I've been so busy. I just noticed this. I'm sooo excited! I need a cover desperately for my machine. bookmarking this as I HAVE to get other projects done first. Lurve it! and Lurve the picture you finally went with to advertise :D Fun fun!

  6. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Can you please show how to make a washing machine cover and a desktop cover. please please please

  7. bonnie12:20 PM

    i cannot seem to download the pattern for sewing machine cover got all the way to print but copy of pattern never showed. HELP-HELP


    1. A couple of people have run into this problem - but it's an easy fix. The problem is that Adobe made a couple of recent changes that are making SOME versions of SOME browsers incompatible with SOME PDF versions. So we're going to bypass the browser. Don't worry - it's easy.

      Instead of clicking on the link like you normally would (with the left button on your mouse), right-click on it instead. That will pull up a little menu. Choose the option to SAVE the item (or the target, or the link - different browsers say different things, but it will be clear that you are SAVING, not opening). It might give you an option to choose where you want it saved. I usually just choose the desktop, because that makes it easy for me to find it.

      AFTER you've saved it, THEN open it by clicking the link on your computer instead of the one in the post. It should open right up.

      I'm so sorry about the hassle. Please let me know if you continue to have any problems.

  8. Wendi, Just wanted to say thank you for the shop mention! We've had a number of folks note that they found us through your blog and we are grateful. Happy New Year and can't wait to see what you make in 2013! Warmly, Virginia
