Monday, May 14, 2012

Shower the People You Love with Love

I hope all you moms out there had a lovely Mother's Day! I sure did. :-) I took the morning off to play around in my studio with some of my painted papers. I haven't done that in ages and it was really fun - reminded me I need to do it more often. I improvised this girl, but I think I want to make some dogs using my dogs embroidery pattern.

I got this fun necklace (that I spotted a while ago on Wild Olive and casually showed my husband). I love that it comes with a bunch of colors of thread so I can change that part out whenever I want. :-) You'll be seeing this in a bunch of videos to come - I'll be spending a lot of this week recording (if the weather cooperates).

We went to see The Avengers (which was terrific - I love Joss Whedon) and then dinner at my favorite pizza place.

A lovely day. :-) And now I'm ready for a lovely week. I'm expecting a fun package today - new stuff in the shop tomorrow if it arrives on schedule. Plus - a sale. . .

Happy Monday!


1 comment:

  1. Your Hubby is goooood.

    Glad you had such a sweet Mother's Day!
