Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Swatches! Swatches! Swatches!

Swatches are here! Swatches of fabric designed by me in my very favorite colors. I can't stop touching them. And rearranging them. And petting them some more. :-)

I think these three might be my favorites. But it's really hard to choose. I'll be doing more fabric design over the next couple of months - working on putting together a couple of collections to submit to some of the big manufacturers. What I have so far isn't really a cohesive collection (as Tim Gunn might say) - but they're all fabrics I designed for very specific projects that I hope to share soon. For now - more yardage is on the way to me. *hops up and down in excitement*

Happy Tuesday!

Oh - and a quick reminder that the sale on all tools and supplies ends tonight at midnight EST. I'm down to just 1 and 2 of a lot of things - but I stocked up enough on your favorites so they're still in stock. Shop now! :-)



  1. How on earth did you type this blog entry? How did you put down the swatches? Love 'em!

  2. Congratulation! They look great!
