Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Start the New Year with a New Cover on Your Ironing Board

There's no reason to settle for the bland fabric that comes on most ironing boards - making a new cover is super easy!

I loved my old ironing board cover, but it had gotten badly waterstained and really faded in the sun. Plus - I made all kinds of new sewing room accessories using the Ed Emberley Happy Drawing fabric collection and I wanted my ironing board to match. So time for a new cover!

This time I needed to replace the pad too, so it was a great time to shoot a video showing you how to do the whole thing from start to finish. And now I get to start the New Year with a new ironing board cover. :-)

I hope you all had a lovely holiday season and are ready for a fabulous 2013. I know I am!

Happy sewing!



  1. I needed to make a new one too but was in a rush and bought one that was marked down and on sale! Gonna bookmark this for future reference though! You make every thing look so easy. Thanks.

  2. Cherie5:14 PM

    Wonderful tutorial! You make it look so easy. I find myself thinking that I can do this. :-)

    How would I estimate how much fabric I would need to make the ironing board cover? Thank you!

  3. It needs to be enough to run the length of your ironing board plus a few extra inches at each end to wrap under the edges. Flip your ironing board over and you'll see how much extra wraps on each end.

  4. LisaInCT6:54 PM

    Resolution for 2013... sew more! Thanks Wendi for your wonderful web site and fanatastic tutorials.

    1. Thanks! And Happy New Year! I heartily approve of your resolution. ;-)

  5. Does the cover need to be any especially good fabric? Or only cotton or anything like that? My cover and mat are both gross and I heard the hints about the batting, but what about the cover itself?

    Thanks for your super-cool blog!

    1. Ooooh - excellent question! You definitely need to use 100% cotton for the cover. That'll stand up to your iron's hottest heat. It can be medium or heavy weight - nothing too thin.
